
You know what?
No you don't!
PHP decided 'in time memorial' to deprecate their 'split' function for another function called 'explode' that splits, oh sorry, that explodes a string.

Now you know something!

  • 4
    Where's the problem? 🙄
  • 2
    Imagine giving a code walkthrough. And your manager wants to know what the f explode is doing in his codebase?@Divisionbyzero
  • 1
    Haha what!?
  • 2
    I prefer split() over explode(), but honestly Objective-C takes the cake on this one:

    [str componentsSeparatedByString: @"."]
  • 2
    I prefer explode.
  • 3
    Let's not forget its friend 'implode'...
  • 1
    Just don't get me started on extract()!
  • 0
    @codeStalker if my manager does not know what the explode function does I will seriously question his code creed.
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