Fuck Google Chrome cache.

For almost an hour, sat and tried to make changes to a react UI but unfortunately nothing's changing. Started to worry and doubt myself.
Even thought of getting myself the yellow duck! But fuck no , little did I realise that Chrome "intelligently" fetched my page from cache even though I was using incognito! Had to re-open the browser to realise that.

How did I find out you ask? I thought why not fucking open the same page in Mozilla . Why? Because why not?! But I still can't believe that I wasted a whole fucking hour due to that piece of shit called cache!

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    Eventually you will learn :) Everybody does.
  • 4
    Other browsers have cache too. Firefox just didnt have your page cached yet. In chrome click F12, go to Networking tab and enable Disable cache option. Great for developing
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    Ctrl+F5 or does it use the cache too?
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    @mrmaavin I don't think it does. Hard refresh should re-download all cached shit.
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    Incognito does not prevent caching if you keep the tab open.

    The only thing that helps is keeping the dev tools open (F12 or Ctrl+Shift+i) and check "disable cache" in the "Network" tab.

    My boss always asks me why my commits break the site, he always forgets to open the dev tools or he doesn't start the build task in gulp. Fucker...

    So when you want to test a site or check for changes: Open the damn dev tools with disabled cache checked. 😉
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    Check networks at developers zone
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    @franter no ... Thats not how it works
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    Hahaha lol , that post just made my day😂😂😂
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    Especially the tags 😂😂
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    I have a
    console.log('wtf why no gulp update!');
    that's been there for months, I come back to it, and finally smacked my head, did a venting "fucking chrome cache gulp update bullshit" google search and found this site. yay.
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    can't chrome at least not cache when it's localhost?
  • -1
    it can be now easy for all to download chrome browser at http://browserreview.net/chrome/ when we need it to get the chrome.
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    I created one to do just this, no more cache


    Does it feel like heaven?
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    fucking chrome cache i have already checked the "disable cache" but it's still fucking keeps the cached file. reloaded the html file thousands of times and it's still fucked up with the script file.
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    @Kekica As a product manager, if a product is too hard to learn for a user, YOU FUCKED UP
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    @Kekica If I delete my cache I expect it to be FUCKING DELETED. This is unique to Chrome and doesn't happen on ANY other browser. Except Opera maybe a thousand years ago.
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    @Kekica Aaaaand it still doesn't work. Checked the box for "Disable Cache" and cleared my cache for the 10th time and still, old image showing.
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    @franter Should. But it doesn't.
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    Still with this shit. 2022. Disable cache: checked, Application tab: Clear site data, Shift+F5 still fucking cached a css fucking file... Bollox!
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