
I am 17 years old, and I am trying to learn programming. I am currently trying to learn something in BASH. I have also used some JavaScript and Python to get a grasp of some concepts.

It is very satisfying when I am in the mood, but I often find it hard to find motivation to learn. Does anyone have any advice for studying techniques? General advice would also make me very grateful! :-)

I hope this is OK to post here..

  • 4
    Welcome to devRant! It is good to have a project in mind as an end goal. It can be a very simple project that is useful to you, family or friends.
    Try to solve that problem and then tackle more complex problems
  • 3
    rant about demotivation seems legit enough. I'd attribute it more to your age than your potential to be great at programming. I found a hard time getting motivated to do anything that wasn't fun as a teenager. So my advice is to make it fun - code something you like, including a utility to make something you like doing better. If you like mmorpgs you can write add-ons for them, for example.
  • 5
    raspberry pi
    always fun to connect things to the IO pins and get it to work
  • 1
    I would not really say that I learned programming in fact I'm doing my hobby so what about trying to find an idea and start working on it. It will make you feel like you are achieving something and will keep you going
  • 2
    By the way good luck
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