Fucking shit fuck! Absolute cunty-chops of a Work phone just went off at 3am because our directory has clearly been leaked.

This cunt right here is on 24/7 fallout so I can nae silence the bastard. It’s going inte do not disturb for the evening now but.

About 6 months to a year ago we started getting nuisance calls on the cunts. On floated numbers that seem geographically close.

Work have done fuck all in this time, because considering changing ours is a pain in the dick, and costs.

But tonight at 3am I got another; call, immediate hang up on redial.

This wee iPhone prick is looking at me like “ho! Got ya ye fucker”... it’s lucky it’s not been punted out the winde where it belongs. Little fucking prick.

If I look like shit tomorrow at the office, if any prick decides to mention I look tired, I’m gonnae tear the ballbags a new hole between their baws and their arse.

It’s now 4am, sorry fe the language, my Glaswegian heritage shines through at this time in the morning.

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    I might be weird, but the language was fucking beautiful. 😍

    Also "oops, the phone fell into my pasta sauce" is a good reason for it not to work.
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    Hahaha my da’s fe Glasgow, he brought us up swearing right 😂

    Thank you 😊

    Nah, I’m gonna go with the “clearly the directorate has been sold to some shitty call firm, deal with it or you don’t get 24/7 support on this number” deal.

    Fuck beating around the bush on that one, cunts need to know they have a problem, and be made to fix it.
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    Bloody awesome accent and rant! 😁
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    @trubesv I’ve not got the accent but I’ve got the upbringing 😂

    @Jop- I could if they didn’t float them around also... they also call from mobiles on occasion, it’s a fucking shit show of a system.
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