Any recommendations for a decent free web host service?

I'm using plain html with no databases.

My current host seems to be having issues with ftp.

  • 10
    github pages?
  • 5
    Hit me up: hostme+devrant@nuernberger.kim
    I can give you what you want for free I guess
  • 0
    Firebase has a pretty accommodating free plan
  • 1
    Firebase cloud hosting,
    Aws static hosting via S3
  • 1
    @Teknas darn you beat me to it. I was gonna suggest an AWS free tier account and use static S3 hosting too!

    😏 Great minds think alike.
  • 1
    How about an rpi? Should be sufficient for small hmtl only webpage and doesn't use a lot of power
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  • 1
    Thanks for all the recommendations, I ended up going with infinityfree for web hosting and zoho for my email.

    Will see how it goes.

    My old host just seems to have gone down.
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