
Does anyone recommend Python books about Python3, data structure or algorithm?

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    yes, I'm sure some people recommend them

    and welcome aboard 😁
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    Python Cookbook from O'Reilly is great if you can find a newer version. Just like the title implies, it gives you code for lots of commonly used dishes - I mean functions. Great for people who already know the language.
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    @chadd17 thanks for u reply!!
    I will find it later.
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    I tell you what, their documentation as the best book you can find.
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    @pk359 Exactly!! But it have too much information, I just want an easy version.
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    If you want to learn about python data structures and algorithms, look at C and how it implements them. That'll give you a better understanding. Other than that, Mark Lutz wrote good books for oreilly ("learning python" and "programming python" - they're huge tomes though).
    I second the latest edition of the python cookbook. But I'm a sucker for cookbooks.
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    @evilmupp3t Can you even implement real data structures in Python?
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    Of course you can. But they're very high level and slow. The basic concepts of how they work are better understood in C.
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    @evilmupp3t I wouldn't consider them "real data structures" if they don't offer the same complexity benefits that the actual versions would :P
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    @sauyon, well that's just a matter of your definition then.
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