
Try => fail
Try => fail
Try => fail
Try => fail
Try => little success
Try => fail
Try => fail
Try => I think I've got it
Try => almost there
Try => fail
Try => fail
Try => oh, is that the problem?
Try => fail

  • 5
    Repeat this every 10 new lines of code
  • 3
    That is essentielly my commit history on a new project
  • 3
    thats a little like me, except instead of "success" at the end, i have "give up".
  • 3
    @Wackoo you just haven't tried enough!
  • 1
    This seems to sum up my work week quite nicely 😋
  • 2
    And that's what the road to success looks like. Every time. Get used to it ^^'

  • 4
    Try => success
    Try => success
    Try => success
    Try => success
    Try => success
    Try => success
    Try => success
    Try => success

    -- kidding: no such thing ever happend to me--
  • 2
    @pk359 well I almost had a little heart attack right there 😨
  • 0
    Thas was my day
  • 0
    Ok, I need to ++ this like 100 million times.
  • 1
    @pk359 Well Try => success does exist. But then you cross your fingers and get nervous hoping it wasn't an accident.
  • 0
    For me it typically is like this:
    => code
    => code more
    => have to change this too, code more
    => I have changed so much, that I don't know anymore if I got everything or not, let's wait for the output
    => spend three hours on YouTube because I'm not sure if I forgot something and am too lazy to look for
    => hit run at 5am, works perfectly
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