
*Me using dark theme on everything*

Me: Hey, look at this, I finished that thing that you wanted me to do.

*Project partner looks at my screen*

Partner: Ugh, why do you use that dark theme? It really strains my eyes.

Me: :-|
That is one of the reasons I use dark themes

  • 5
    White themes make my eyes have to adjust x)
  • 1
    She wasn't joking at all
  • 0
    My father said that too, he asked me why I'm using a dark theme, cause he's used to eclipse
  • 3
    @catintroholic Eclipse hurts my eyes. At some point I was very happy to find they finally added a dark theme.. Which turned my to be incredibly shit, I remember some buttons being black on dark grey and hideous things.. Not that the light (original) theme has any aesthetically pleasing quality to it...
  • 3
    @CptFox I managed to get a decent theme for it, can't remember where to get it though 🤔
  • 1
    Brownish grey theme for the win 👌 makes you comfortable all over
  • 0
    Just like the white-gold/something dress pic, I guess our eyes just interprets light differently
  • 0
    Yes, so much this.
  • 3
    I only switch to light theme when I am working in a bright area
  • 0
    Possibility of using a light theme = [1.0e6]
  • 1
    It takes some time to adjust to dark theme and normies think there eyes are getting strained.
  • 0
    Just reminded me to switch back to dark theme after reinstalling this app. Thanks
  • 0
    Lier. Get white and show ur real work. TIE
  • 0
    Dark themes sometimes strain my eyes. Specially when they are on jetbrains IDE.
  • 0
    Hah I like the light theme because I don't have to switch back and forth between light and dark. The web doesn't have a dark theme.. and I'm a web developer lol
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