
Coding faster is more important than code quality? GitHub shows a call to action: "Code 55% faster with GitHub Copilot". WTF?

  • 8
    It is marketing a product. Of course there are only positives to this.

    Next product: AI analysis to fix tech debt created by ChatGPT.
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    don't tell them, sell them

    your idea
  • 1
    Faster is better, they said. They will shut up automatically after the production server stopped responding and the app crashed.
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    An AI tool that could generate high quality code documentation would be kinda huge
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    Speed is a small advantage for languages that tend to have code that consists of 80% of boilerplate (like Java).

    And it’s great time saver for code monkeys because they don’t need to copy paste from stackoverflow.
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    @kobenz does it give a good starting point?
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    You can't objectively measure quality very easily.
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    What if they meant if you could code 55% faster with the same amount of quality?

    Looks like a lie 😐
  • 3
    Get me a dark room with a window and good coffee. I can code 55% faster without co pilot.

    That means I'll code 110% faster with co pilot 🤔

    All these numbers have what base to measure against? Best days or worst days? Averaging out is the most misleading way to measure anything.
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    Remember this one:
    Random percents...
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    I would think that if used cautiously, it could help improve quality as well by showing you standard practices.
    When it was free, I liked its potential.
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    > help improve quality as well by showing you standard practices

    that's what IDEs and (mostly static) code analysis should do, suggesting best practices, quoting official references etc.

    At least that's what PhpStorm does, IIRC without using "AI" LLMs (yet), and I do pay for it.
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    To make people pay for your product, it must either add value, or people must be obliged to use it, or you're Apple.
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    @usr--2ndry Most JetBrains IDEs do an excellent job at helping you improve the code that you already know how to write. A good LLM could potentially teach you how to write the code that you don't yet know how to write.
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