
This is what success looks like. Worth my whole night behind this :)

  • 6
    Nice! Congrats :)
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  • 2
    Grats dude!
  • 3
    great 😃 did you work with Adobe?
  • 2
    seriously. how did you do that
  • 2
    I knew the only person who could do it, and he has done it. Congrats bro!
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    the maximum mobile speed and desktop speed i could make my website reach was 98/100
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    @tysa haha no. What makes you think that?
  • 4
    @awwplusaww Takes a lot of hard work and calibration. I'm using react redux and react-router for my website so it was pretty difficult. The thing that helped most was server side rendering.

    Using this technologies you can render everything from server and send to the user. But yeah takes a lot of time to do that :)
  • 2
    @DavidKevork You can do it, keep trying ;)
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    @tahnik i changed the design of the website and it went to 60/100 but the speed is good.
    1 second on first load then 400 ms on repeated loads
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    @DavidKevork yeah, changing website after tweaking can be challenging. I might need tweak again as well. Not completely done with this
  • 6
    @awwplusaww And also a tool called sharp from npm helps. You can use it compress and cut resolutions down while sending images from backend. I use it with express :)
  • 9
    Plot twist: didn't create any website, changed the scores with the "inspect element".
    Kidding, plz don't hate me
    *flies away*
  • 4
    @achehab haha, I will share the website once I'm done with the authentication. You can have a look at it yourself ;)
  • 3
    @tahnik haha ofc I believe you, i was just kidding! however, sharing it if possible would also be of great help for me and others as a reference. Good Job!
  • 1
    Share pointers or make a blogpost telling key points on achieving this.
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    @arsyed04 I don't have a blog. I'll try to make some posts when I get time. It's a lot of things to go through
  • 0
    @tahnik just asking because I want to look into using adobe muse and Dreamweaver (it seems like everyone is using them nowadays) hence the question
  • 0
    Did you just bribe Google mate? :O
  • 2
    when i do that i get like 80/100 because of one thing. follow their guide on how to fix and they still says i need to fix it 😤

    PS. Congratulations man. I have never gotten anything higher than 99 ;)
  • 0
    Nice! congrats man.
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