
Hi dev fellows !

I would like to know what is the best app (nice interface, simple / clean and effective metodology, with lessons / exercices, etc) to learn new langages ? Like python, Java, etc.

I have already Py and Enki which are pretty good.

  • 1
    Apps are usually only for the basics.
    Just start a new project and learn while doing it.
  • 1
    There’s these things called books....

    I know scary thought and I sound awfully old right now.

    Apps don’t usually offer much, you would probably learn more from the official docs, and code courses out there then most apps.

    Enki is decent though for the basics but somewhat useless once you’re past that.
  • 1
    a browser like chrome or firefox should suffice
  • 0
    Ok guys. Thanks for your advices.
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