
Just sent my devRant profile link to my employer. They loved some of my memes, but generally they didn't care much.

Dreaded this moment for 1.5 years now, and now decided to come clean.

Did I know that an irrational fear about being fired over some memes was indeed irrational? Yes. Do I feel better now? Yes, hell yes!

To be completely honest with you, it was today's @scor interactions that finally empowered me to do it. A dumb fear of getting doxxed was with me way before @scor started attacking me, but now I ended it: my partners (I'm polyamorous) know about devRant, my friends, my ex-colleagues, and now my current employer knows it too. Everyone from my public life knows who I really am and what I really think.

Not as a step in a dumb “beef” that doesn't exist, not as a slide, not as an insult, I'm going to say THANK YOU, @scor, for finally pushing me over that tiny obstacle. One and a half year of annoying obscure itching is finally over.

  • 5
    My dude, your devrant is harmless. Mine not so much, although most of the time I use it as a microblog the earlier regions of my history contain some toxicity towards coworkers and I regularly post code my employer owns. The image that devrant is secret comes from people who talk daily about how much they hate everyone they work with and how dumb their boss is.
  • 4
    @chaosesqueteam2 my man is attracted to strong Norder and Germanic men and has to cope with it by saying they look like women. It's ok to be gay dude, no need to project like this.

    Also I love your persistence in trolling, I can appreciate someone who has dedication to their passion of being a dicmhead.
  • 4
    @chaosesqueteam2 hey whoever writes your character should know being a pedohpile too might be going a bit too far, I don't recommend it.
  • 4
    @chaosesqueteam2 now you aren't even trying anymore, come on you can do better
  • 7
    @chaosesqueteam2 I don't submit my devrant account anywhere because I appreciate that I can be genuine here. I'm just not worried about people finding it by accident, because my genuine self isn't a chauvinistic pedo, just an outspoken socialist, which is impractical in business life so I moderate myself.
  • 9
    damn :D
  • 4
    Don't lure muggles onto devRant. It's bad enough that it attracts scriptkiddos like chaosbotter2. Don't need linkedin shitposters trolling around here too.
  • 3
    @Tonnoman @Oktokolo @ostream @Lorentz let's report him to sourceforge? That's their main resource: https://sourceforge.net/p/...
  • 2
    Lol @chaosesqueteam2 is jelly because @kiki has multiple partners and he has none
  • 0
    @kiki I don't believe in cross-reporting as a principle because I think that people should be allowed to pick which of their ideas they want to defend in each forum they're part of. I also don't want to invest time in this person anymore.
  • 0
    also, report him to itch io: https://chaosesqueteam.itch.io/chao...
  • 1
    @sidtheitguy @lensflare okay, okay. Got you. You're right. But, since @dfox doesn't respond to mentions while his platform is being harmed, maybe at least email him? Won't post his email directly, you can find it here on his personal website

  • 9
    Did @chaosesqueteam2 get banned? His comments are all gone. Does that mean we're being moderated now?!
  • 7
    @lungdart wow! Maybe it was because I emailed Dfox 20 mins ago, I don't know
  • 4
    Everyone, the mods woke up. Play time is over, back to work
  • 1
    Nice. But he and his bot army can simply make a new account :/
  • 4
    @kiki I dont know why i thought you would be a goth girl but you look pretty normal for someone so savage. I am both happy and sad at once. Anyways, kudos to you for overcoming your fear.
  • 4
    @coldfire Look at her eyes - she's definitely ready to kill.
  • 2
    @Oktokolo Naah, this is just the "Your CD pipeline has failed successfully" look.
  • 5
    If my employer found my devRant profile, they’d definitely fire me, and probably pursue legal action as well. Many of them are fragile snowflakes eager to take second-hand offense.

    Ofc it isn’t libel because it’s all true, and shamed but never named. :)
  • 2
    @Alexanderr No.
  • 5
    Also, forgive my autistic gaze. Yes, this is what my eyes look like. I want to look _at_ something, but look _through_ it. Yes, I look creepy. Deal with it.
  • 1
    @kiki Not creepy - just like a cold killer or a very focused StarCraft player.
  • 3
    @kiki to be honest your facial expressions looks exactly like I'd expect from someone who has the strength to conquer CSS 😆
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