
Now im going to setup a server.

But the problem is......

What is the best OS for web hosting?

  • 1
  • 1
    Anything linux probably. Distro barely matters at all, as long as it has a decent package manager.
  • 3
    Usually people use Debian or centos I think
  • 1
    The one you're most familiar with
  • 2
    I'm running Ubuntu on all my Servers because that's what I'm familiar with, tried Debian for a while but didn't really feel it. Went back to Ubuntu.
  • 1
    Debian. Rock solid.
  • 0
    Ubuntu, for me, installed via the mini.iso installer where you only get core packages and ones you choose, and not all the usual fluff.
  • 1
    Windows. Best choice you can make. All of the above are from the Linux Mafia. Don't join them.
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