I clearly don't understand how StackOverflow works. I posted a solution I came up with in a Q&A style, thinking it's a way for me to contribute to the community.

When I researched the challenge I needed to solve, I didn't find any elegant solutions that would have helped me achieve what I was aiming for.

One commentator said my post wasn't a real question about a real coding challenge, and wasn't compliant with SO guidelines.

Another commented that my search provider was clearly inadequate.

My submission was voted down so I just removed it with the intention of sharing it elsewhere.

It's almost as if StackOverflow resists contributions from newer users. Or, as I suggested at the outset, I clearly don't understand how to be a productive member of that community.

  • 1
    You know I spend a lot of time on there. *downvotes rant*.
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    @calmyourtities spending a lot of time on StackOverflow isn't really a substantive response. I'm on the site daily looking up potential solutions to challenges. I still don't understand why I meet so much resistance when I try to make contributions.
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    who the fuck posts actively on SO
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    @BindView so, basically, answer only when asked a question you can respond to our ask questions which probably aren't duplicates?
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    @wiredgecko my answer is, use ddg's stackoverflow quick view and never even open that site
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    @BindView ddg?
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    duckduckgo, try searching "read file java" or something
  • 2
    Thanks for the suggestion!
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    I'm a top 2% Stack Overflow users. Evert now and again I get stumped with a legitimate question, and try the site, possibly with an answer. I never get any useful results or upvotes; haven't for years.

    In my mind, Stack Overflow is, and has been for a few years, absolutely dead. It's a great repository for outdated information if you need it though.
  • 3
    @configurator well, I guess that answers that question! Thanks for your perspective.
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