
Any vim lover here? 😁
And How's your weekend?

  • 6
    I need to comprehend what this whole vim hype is all about. Everyone seems to love it, for me I think sublime works just fine but I'm sure someone can enlighten me on why vim is so popular?
  • 6
    @px06 sys-admins and terminal users like it more than developer 😅
  • 5
    I think the reason why it is so popular is that you are unable to use things like sublime on an Linux server is without a GUI.

    And since I moved from the sys-admin world as well i haven't heard something from ide's like sublime for a long time because you simply don't need it depending on your work you are doing.

    This may be A reason ... Don't know ^^
  • 3
    @px06 hype????!???!?!?

    vi has been around since the begining of time, well almost (1976)

    It is not going anywhere, anytime soon, so don't you dare call it a hype. If anything, sublime, atom, vsc ... are the hype. Since they'll be long gone while vi would still be around :/
  • 1
    @px06 "I think sublime works just fine" - you are correct. But vim rocks.
  • 2
    @rusty-hacker lol I didn't mean it in any insulting way. What I'm saying is, why do so many people actively use vim when GUI and usability has come so far. I have nothing against vim, in fact I want to learn how to use it because it looks really powerful.
  • 0
    @Lahsen2016 first read about difdrrences between vi and vim and what emacs surpported in mid 1970s, then open your gap.
  • 1
    @px06 most environments I use don't have sublime installed; but vim/vi seem to be everywhere. Reason being lack of a GUI; I have to ssh into all the machines I use at my uni, except for my own
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