Well ... Thats true!

  • 3
    It's funny how we never noticed how bad the graphics were back then. There was nothing to compare them too.
  • 0
    Imagine what it will be like in 15 years
  • 1
    @TheMatt I think we can only go far before hitting the uncanny valley.
  • 1
    I'd say CGI in movies is past the uncanny valley, but realtime home rendering isn't quite there yet. Very close though. Exciting times, especially as we delve into VR worlds!
  • 1
    Happened way more from 2000-2007 than 2007-2016 though. We haven't evolved far past Crysis
  • 0
    @jiraTicket True that, Crysis has one of the highest graphics to date.
  • 0
    Crytek has always been the benchmark for how far we can push technology.
  • 1
    But what if you like lines in your women instead of curves 😂😜
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