
Im beginning to think im stuck in an infinite loop of learning. This fucking bullshit never stops. I just continuously keep learning new shit and the more shit i learn the more i realize how much bullshit i still have to learn

It creates an illusion as if i know nothing

Just when i thought i see the end of the horizon and reach it only then i realize it just keeps on going into oblivion, as a sphere

Its like im trying to catch and find a corner of a sphere

There aint none

Its pointless

Is it also pointless to keep learning like this?

Perhaps this whole existence is pointless

Real talk now whats the point of existence bro

No matter what you do or dont do it doesnt matter

No matter if you're successful or not it doesnt matter

No matter if you learn all the bullshit in the world you're still gonna die and it wont matter

No matter how much i learn, it still and will always appear as if its not enough to these shitface recruiters and companies, to them it doesnt matter

Nothing matters. Everything is empty and meaningless. The entire life itself is. I dont value life. I dont care if i live or die. I feel no joy when i succeed and i feel no sadness when i fail

The tiny little bit of joy or success cannot outweight the years of sadness depression emptiness and failure the life has dumped onto me in spite of my hard work and continuous learning


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    We told you multiple times already: This is not how it works.
    You can’t learn everything.
    You just need to learn how to learn and then learn the things that you need on demand.
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    You'll never reach the end. It's not a hike, it's a lifestyle.

    If you don't like learning you might be happier being ignorant. Love the process!
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    I’m not going to get into the "what’s the meaning of life" debate here, but I do share the frustration about the constant pressure to be learning in IT; the necessity to be at the cutting edge of technology.
    The industry wants experts. But the reality is that you can hardly become an expert at anything since you constantly gotta be jumping to the newest shiny trend.
    I get the deal about being able to "learn how to learn", ok ok.
    But what it really boils down to is that you work to become the expert on the project you’re working on. But if I’m not the lead dev or architect of the project, who cares what I’m learning on the side? I may be interested in learning some new technology but chances are I’ll never be able to use it in my job
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    @lungdart the problem with 24/7 constant neverending learning is that i dont have time to start working on a real world practical project. I just keep learning shit for side projects and never manage to begin my own. Or when i begin my own i then have to pause it so i can quickly learn some other shit on dummy projects so i can resume my main project etc. Neverending learning drags the main project development completion to oblivion. I dont mind learning to oblivion but only if i get paid for it. I dont get paid for learning. I have to learn forever for free in order to increase my chances of then getting paid. I cant live for free
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    > It creates an illusion as if i know nothing

    Uh, it's not an illusion, that's the reality.

    When you're stupid and know nothing, you think you know everything, that's the illusion... once you actually learn stuff that's when you can finally understand that you know nothing and that you will forever know just a very little tiny subset of a very little small field you choose to learn in the first place

    The fact that you still think that *knowing nothing* is the illusion tells me that you're still ways behind the first bump of truly understanding anything
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    @Hazarth by your logic you dont know shit. You at your job suck and you dont know what you're doing. Nobody of devs in your team or company know what they're doing. Nobody in the world of all engineers know what they're doing. Not even google engineers and the highest skilled ones know what they're doing. If that was true then why would companies hire devs. Why does so much good technology exist if no one knows what they're doing. Obviously your logic is false. There seems to be a finite time when learning can stop and you get to earn money from the knowledge. Literally look at all the professors in all schools and colleges. They dont know shit. They dont learn shit. They just repeat the same bullshit for over 50 years ever since they learned it when they were kids. And still they get paid. You call that infinite continuous learning? Thats proof you dont need to learn to oblivion. Its impossible and paradoxically learning more makes you become more worthless
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    this has to be the most wrong take I have ever heard mate.

    ofc people know stuff, and we get paid for the little we know because those that pay us don't know that little part themselves or because they no longer have the time to do it manually.

    But to say that only people that already learned some specific amount of information are getting paid is the dumbest take I have ever heard in my life.

    dude, I'm getting paid quite well, and I have worked in this industry for quite some while, and I there's so much I'm still learning every day. There's no end to learning anything. I mean I'm good, I'm really good at what I do, but there's still people both younger and older that know things that I don't and I know things they don't. we all constantly learn. you better get used to learning new stuff mate, because the moment you refuse to learn something the company needs at that specific point in time, they'll find someone else who will...
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    @b2plane I mean fuck, we just rejected a guy with over 15 years of experience *because* all his experience is extremely outdated and he has no desire to learn the stuff that we actually need...

    The grind is real my friend, you have to keep up-to-date on top of keeping your already existing skills sharp.

    once again, if you wont, someone else will
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    Abandoning the web frontend stack might also help as you won’t be required to learn some new crap every 2 weeks.
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    Can you imagine a lawyer that loses cases because he didn't keep up with the latest rulings?

    Can you imagine a surgeon who kills someone because they didn't read up on newer safer practices?

    You can imagine them, but you would not say any of them are good at what they do. Continuous learning is the "get good" part of any profession.

    When I changed jobs I went from an entirely different GUI framework to the one we currently use. Should I have balked about learning a new GUI framework? If I had I wouldn't have a job.
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    @Demolishun you’re comparing apples and oranges. I’m not saying developers shouldn’t be continuously learning. But what? you’re considered irrelevant just because you haven’t jumped on the latest hip framework? Sorry but the stakes aren’t the same as in law or medical practices. Yet recruiters will more often than not judge you by the length of the list of technologies you know rather than by your ability to "get things done"
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    @black-kite I write software for welding machines, but okay. I honestly hadn't read what you wrote.
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    @Demolishun interesting. Do you find that in your area of development there’s the same frenetic race to reinvent the wheel as say, in web development?
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    "Sorry but the stakes aren’t the same as in law or medical practices."

    I told you what I worked on because the stakes very much are the same. We are expected not to kill anyone. That means we learn about a lot of things besides software. We never stop learning. Just the nature of it.

    If you don't like the fast pace of where you are working then find something else to do.
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    @Demolishun yes I got that the stakes were high in your field. Get off your fuckin' high horse for a second.
    Did I not say continuous learning is obviously necessary in our field? It’s not something I relinquish or else I would’ve quit a long time ago. It’s the frustration of chasing after unnecessary knowledge that gets to me. That’s why I asked you that question, which by the way you didn’t answer.
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    I don't care.
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    It also may kinda depend on what you learn. If it's the endless stream of JavaScript frameworks, they're kinda useless in the long run but if you get the timing right you can perhaps make good money while they're hyped up. For this kind of thing, it seems like there is a cycle of reusing designs that have fallen out of fashion, rarely do you get something truly new, so eventually you catch on to it and it shouldn't be that hard learning the "new" stuff.

    Knowledge that is more theoretical or fundamental actually builds up way more. Learning it gives you the feeling that you know less, but that's only because you're now on top of the one mountain you climbed and see the taller mountain beyond the peak, or the sea of mountains around this one. But the fundamental knowledge will help you learn other stuff that would be impossible or much more difficult to learn without it.
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    The trouble with the world is that the stupid are cocksure and the intelligent full of doubt.
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    @Grumpycat you just said "Fools rush in where wise men fear to tread." kind of.

    Last generation: Hahaha, we did all our stupid shit before the internet. So there is no evidence.

    This generation: Watch this! (on camera)
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