
Hello, i have this problem. Can u read the image and figure out what this corps deal is, and what to do about it. They shut down my account because i use vpn, and they wont turn it back on. I need this service to do my job. My managers are going to be mad.

  • 2
    My guess why they prevent VPN is because they don't want someone using it to scam people over the phone.
  • 2
    nike is sus
  • 2
    Anyway read their ToS if they don't mention usage of vpn you may be able to "force" them to reenable the acc. Otherwise you're rekt.
  • 0
    What is the service and why do you need to use VPN with it?
  • 0
    I didnt need to use vpn with it, its just extra security for me, i was on the phone with them all day, it sounded like they got my chat logs wrong, but they insisted they were right even after i told them that my chat stream does not show that. They seemed to not understand what a vpn is or does, then they blocked my phone. Their web domain is dialmycalls dot com, please someone enlighten them, because i cant get through to them.
  • 4
    A) we don't have to solve your issues.

    B) such issues exists because, for example, my country just forbid spam calls. But obviously, that doesn't stop spammers from using a VPN to fake themselves calling from abroad, which is technically allowed.

    C) it was probably mentioned in their ToS somewhere. Running a VPN is, of course, legal, but can be very dodgy when trying to do business.
  • 1
    @nike extra security how?
  • 0
    @ostream client-only filters usually blacklist known VPS providers' IP ranges.
  • 1
    Theyre based in the us, and apparently, they enjoy dic tator ships. I do not enjoy this, and i am based in the us, and my company only operates in the us.
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