When an intern gives me suggestions on technology stack to use for the new application I'm building...

  • 8
    Shouldn't be so cocky. I've met really good interns, and I've also met really bad seniors. Just because you're an intern just mean that you have nothing to offer or lack coding experience, it just means you lack professional experience.
  • 1
    @RinseRepeat Chill. Added for fun nothing serious :-)
  • 3
    @code-god while all fun and games, it's a toxic image that WAY TOO MANY devs perpetuate... Just something to think about.
  • 0
    @RinseRepeat agreed. I took a chance and hired someone who had almost 0 experience - turned out to be a fantastic coder. And I've met a guy with 20+ years experience who thought BASIC was faster than C.
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