I've spent the last 10 days on an assignment for an interview. Instead of starting with the requirements right away I decided to fiddle around and tried to add typescript but got stuck for 3 days. Now I just need to write the docs and final PR description but I'm feeling really burn out. I'll be rejected if the code is shitty, and that thought made me try harder. But when I tried harder, in the back of my head I thought "What if I'm still rejected after trying so hard?" and that kills my motivation. I'll just get it done tomorrow. Next week I have another assignment, I'm using chatgpt for that one.

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    This assignment felt like it would never end. Look at the figma file and add the necessary components. Squint real hard so you don't miss any details. Also pay attention to accessibility and write tests. And you need to pay attention to your folder structure and naming conventions. Oh and we want to see how you structure your CSS. And on top of that, the assignment has a second part where I code review another PR.
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    Even if I pass this assignment I have two more interviews, so we're talking at least two more weeks until I get a result. If I ever get hired I'll need at least a month of recovery before I start working again.
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    I'm starting to appreciate live coding. Worst case, you just fuck it up and feel embarrassed for a few hours. But this grind that is take home assignments, is much worse.
  • 6
    Don't worry. They will put it in production after they reject you.
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    It's like it's preying on people to overwork themselves

    Have that problem of "well I'm not motivated if I don't get anything out of it" too. Typically I would get something out of it but then I didn't and I permanently lost my motivation after that... Wonder what that's all about
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    ... On second thought I wouldn't mind doing these as a kind of leetcode or to pickup new skills. Would be kind of funny. Just use such companies for feedback on learning hahaha

    But obviously it's annoying if you're looking for a job. My previous work should suffice, or some random problem in person to judge how I work I guess.
  • 4
    What's the pay for that 10 day consultation?
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    @jestdotty Yeah, they're good for learning, I usually try new stuff for code assignments. I might as well take it easy for the weekend since they won't be seeing this until Monday.
    But what annoys me about this is that as an unemployed person, I'm not earning money but at least I'm supposed to have a lot of free time to relax. Instead, I've been coding full time for the past 10 days.
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    @electrineer I'm being paid 10 fuck yous per hour
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    @jsframework9000 that's an impressive amout of fuck yous
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    You’ll be surprised what you can learn doing take homes. I also use them to learn new stuff to break the monotony. Tired of same ol “fetch data from api and display with react” crap. That’s so cookie cutter and bland as hell
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    Aaaand rejected! At least I can use this assignment for my other applications.
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    @jsframework9000 rejected for using 3 tabs instead of 2 or some other bullshit…or they stole it
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    We wanted to see a little more CSS, your border radius was a little too curvy. This 10 line function should’ve been split into 2 functions. Needs a few more unit tests. Spaces are hard to read, maybe use tabs instead. It’s good you used MUI, but we’d like to see more raw HTML and CSS. You overengineerd this a bit, we are agile and don’t do that thing. Typescript is complex and hard to read. You didn’t add enough comments here. I see you’re mutating an object, DONT DO THAT!! ALWAYS USE SPREAD! Else?? ELSE IS EVIL! Omg this is the worst code, I’m rejecting you and crying to mommy 😭😭😭
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    @TeachMeCode Hahaha, your comments cheered me up. No it was more something like "If you don't have time to do something, don't worry, just tell us. Oh you didn't do the thing? We reject you.". Anyway, that project is going on a public repo and I'm submitting it to all my other applications
  • 1
    Feeling burnt out is natural after pushing so hard. Focus on finishing the docs step by step. Fear of rejection is tough, but progress matters more than perfection. Like seeking nursing dissertation help uk, asking for support can ease the burden.
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