
Does anybody here recommend phpstorm?

  • 1
    Not sure about phpstorm, but I'm in love with every jetbrains ide
  • 2
    I use it and what can I say. It's a massive IDE. I love it like i love other JetBrain IDE's.
    Bust most of the time you don't need so many features, so if you want to simply learn, you can use Visual Studio Code witch is much smaller but probably has everything you need with a bit of customization.
  • 2
    phpstorm is a very useful. i would recommend it.
  • 3
    i recommend storm

    the other part?

    not so much
  • 6
    Not sure but

    If (IDE.creator == jetbrains){
  • 1
    @jeffyzxc if your a student their ide's are free or at least they have been for me for the last few years .
  • 1
    Not to begin with but it rocks
  • 1
    All the Jetbrains products are great, in my opinion.
  • 1
    @zshh 58054.479% agree
  • 0
    @robzombie111 I've only ever seen one other person say that Atom is slow. I use Atom every day for multiple projects, languages and have plugins installed and it's super speedy and perfect for what I need; plus it's free
  • 0
    @adbo now youve seen 2 other people say it

    atom is slow
  • 0
    @BindView and have you tried diagnosing the problem? There are plenty of solutions on Google, most aren't Atom itself
  • 0
    For crying out loud if you can GET IT
    of you're a student you can even get it for free (and all other jetbrains products) as long as you have access to your school's email address
  • 1
    @zankar no joke I have like all of their products THANK YOU STUDENT LICENCES
  • 4
    I love PhpStorm!
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