Aah fuckin ubuntu setup,
I made a some free space from windows disk management for Ubuntu setup, afterwards the turned on ubuntu setup, it showed the free disk space as unusable!!!

I did something,i don't remember,and somehow I entirely erased my E:(contains all my media) Drive 🤦. I was also about to erase my D drive ( contains all my dev work and all).Than I stopped and will sort it later.

I always have my media backed-up on mulitple disks hence I didnt lose much. But Why the fuck does Ubuntu show empty space as unusable ?????

  • 1
    C, D, E and windows boot partition are 4 partitions... If you use mbr partition table, you can have a maximum of 4 partitions and must delete one to create a new one.
  • 0
    @irene I shrinked a partition,deleted it, made it simple partition again,bt no sucess
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