
Senior dev : * doesn't use git *
Me: you seriously should use git...
Senior dev: * still doesn't use git *
Senior dev: * overwrites production files with old files from other computer *
Senior dev: * talks to boss *
Boss: * gets angry at me *

  • 17
    Welcome to DevRant 😉

    I find it interesting how the boss got angry at you, seems like the senior developer took it personally and exaggerated it when mentioning it to the boss?
  • 13
    @teganburns I left already, now I'm working with a bigger and more professional team, thank you :)
  • 5
    @Condor Thanks man. I think he's not using it because he wasn't educated enough but is full of himself, because he's a "senior" which means nothing...
  • 3
    @coolq yeah probably, and thanks
  • 7
    Don't force ideas onto people. Ask them in such a way that they come up with the idea themselves. E.g. "Is there a way to easily backup my code, in case that I mess something up ? I heard about git.... What do you think about it?"
  • 3
    @Double-A yeah this happened after he was 'not seeing' the benefits of it
  • 4
    @korec he is a senior brain dead dev. Until he realize his mistake, repent, and become a zombie-devOps architecture.
  • 1
    I used to work in a corporation where we had hierahies like this and some of the ppl didn't have their knoledge and problem solving skills reflected in their rank aswell. I became a mid 2 developer there. At my new job I had to chose what to be and damn... It got really tough between mage and rogue 😂😂
  • 0
    What was his reason?

    I am assuming, as usual with such logic, he never gave one. I hate it when people to give you a reason for why they're doing something. Tells you a lot.
  • 1
    Change your organization or change your organization.
  • 0
    That's sad, my entire company uses my infra lol
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