
That moment when you are a new coder,ask a question on StackOverFlow,get -3 rep and you can't ask a new question for 2 days

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    stack overflow rule 1 Someone else has probably asked it. That place is toxic to new questions. Ask carefully.
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    Search hard if you still dont find try the question out in one the stackoverflow chat rooms if a user (ideally 500+ rep) responds positively to your question with a half ass answer then ask the question on SO, usually a user will do the search for you and provide you with a link. Dont blame the SO community it is actually really good.
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    @liveCoder most of these things I didn't even know... Where does one even acquire this knowledge as a new user?
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    @tisaconundrum you google "how to ask questions on stackoverflow"
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    @tisaconundrum one of your classmates asks something on stack overflow and then you lurk and notice the many articles on stack overflow's cultural intolerance on newbies. it makes sense in some ways but in others *sigh*. . .
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    lot of the the community 'experts' are a bunch of fucktards
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