Me on the train. A fucking 12 year old kid, fanboy of the iPhone X.
1. He calls it "X" (the letter). I bet he doesn't even know that it is a 10.
2. "it has only one port so you can use Bluetooth headphones". He seems like he is amazed by that. Like wtf? Guess what motherfucker you can use Bluetooth headphones even if you have a dedicated headphone jack.
3. "it has wireless charging"... Oh would you please fuck yourself you fucking donkey.
4. "it is so thin. Not like those other phones". So can somebody kick this guy or I will do it myself...

Sry gone full AlexDeLarge here...

  • 36
    It's a child! At least, he's interested in tech, don't blame him because he doesn't know some things... He's not even aware that you can use Bluetooth headphones on other phones...
  • 18
    I call it X(the letter too), and yes I know X is the Roman numeral for 10
  • 23
    I keep saying iPhone EKS at work next to colleagues, just to drive them up a wall.
  • 18
    Yes he's 12 but 12 year olds tend to be exactly like this, thinking they know everything better and are very rude (not all of them but many), they also tend to repeat everything their parents or friends say, so really don't take them too seriously, they don't know what they're talking about
  • 3
    @Orionss The wrong side of tech!
  • 2
    @JFK422 the wrong side of tech is being afraid of it, not interested in it
  • 3
    OS X is supposed to be said as "OS ten" but most people pronounce it as the letter.

    Apple finally said "let's change the name" and now it's macOS
  • 6
    A fanboy, who doesn't talk about face ID, is not a real fanboy.
  • 1
    @RealKC That doesn't change the fact that it's pronounced as "iPhone ten"
  • 0
    @aaxa of course, when I first heard of it it didn't come to my mind that it's meant to be "ten", and I got used to calling it the letter
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