To add a bit more context to my last rant.

The following situation happened today and similar situations are at the moment common as fuck.

Situation started roughly 1 1/2 months ago as a deployment failed.

Seemed to be a DNS problem for the devs, so my basic assumption was that they checked their shit.

As I was and I am currently more than swamped, told them it had to wait if it is an DNS issue...


Backstabbing product manager complained to upper management as it took so long.

Backstabbing manager even went so far to propose alternative solutions - think of switching product to work around issue and throwing away a year of development of a 5 man team...

So additional to my work I had to deescalate and prevent complete nonsense.

Today I finally found time for the problem.

After 2-3 hours of turning every stone inside the DNS setup, cloudflare, loadbalancers, etc...

Well. Devs. Don't trust them.

Turned out the devs misconfigured the environment entirely.

Its not so obvious in this product as it is rather complicated, though the devs documentation explicitly mentioned that if one overrides the configuration for e.g. several languages, one has to make sure to set two env variables for TLS mode...

There was only one set.


8 fucking weeks of backstabbing and blaming others while they could have just read their own fucking documentation and fixed that shit in 5 minutes.

  • 1
    Toxic manager.

    Sign his personal email up with gay porn or something that will get him in trouble at home.
  • 1
    Devs are always going to be retards. Just take a look at everyone ranting on here!
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