https://halite.io is a really cool game (no affiliation)

It's a game where you submit a bot which then competes against bots from other humans (currently 1100).
Your objective is to micromanage a fleet of ships to optimize for production.
Plus, you can write in a wide variety of languages.

It's a nice challenge to develop strategies and maybe even learn a new language.

  • 2
    Time to add it to the bookmarks!
  • 3
    Sounds cool! I'll visit that website now
  • 1
    Thanks for sharing! Definitely worth testing it
  • 2
    That's going to be cool :)
  • 1
  • 3
    Another cool site like this is codingame.com! They have multiplayer leagues and competitions in loads of languages, and loads of different problems to solve for fun.
  • 2
    Looks nice...will take a look asap. Thanks for the recommendation! :)

    Codingame is really awesome! A lot of interesting challanges.
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