
Its such a elating feeling when you implement multithreading perfectly.

I had a task where I read data from one table, searched on it and added the searched data to another table. The table had 0.22 million records.

On single thread it took entire night to do half of the job.

I divided it into 8 thread jobs, and pushed my quadcore to 100% and voila, its done in 2.5Hrs.

Just like Hannibal would have said, "I love it when a plan comes together"

  • 6
    That still sounds incredibly slow...
  • 0
    @Huuugo the queries and the java search is a bit complex. It wasn't that fast to begin with.
  • 5
    You might want to spend more time looking into other database systems, optimizing the schema or your queries. Queries running this long indicate there is some room for optimization
  • 1
    @Huuugo it was a one time job. And that's not even my database. It's wordnet.
  • 1
    Well done! :)
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