
Stuck in an elevator..?

  • 68
    Aren't we all somehow stuck in an elevator?
  • 9
    @ElToastGrande Oh phuq that's thought provoking.
  • 14
    @ElToastGrande seriously. Any money I have made as a developer came from using PHP. Tho I hate it
  • 8
    Why does everyone clown on php? I haven’t used it in a couple years but from what I remember it wasn’t so bad. What am I missing?
  • 15
    I love php but this meme is genius hahaha
  • 1
    @daegontaven and mostly having to use it with shits like WordPress.
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    @Droepal Let the people say: "Welcome to DevRant".

    Hope you didn't understand that ? But you do I guess ?
  • 4
    @codeStalker actually I wasn't even talking about php, I basically use it all the time.
    More like...in general:D
  • 5
    It's very easy to hate PHP based on past experience, but it's come a long way.
  • 3
    I wanted to try it... I will learn it in school what is wrong with it?
  • 2
    @naktop3031 Nothing wrong with it if you learn the right way.
  • 4
    @cogs understand btw welcome in this beautiful world :3
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    My co-worker just made an API and he used mysqli without prepare and bind. Just simple quarry with $_GET value it and not prepare.

    I have told everyone in my company about it and how it is dangerous. No one is listing to me. They are saying how is gonna hack it or No one has time for that. (Most of the people in my company are unity developer.)

    So don't have PHP. Hate developer who write bad code or write a bad tutorial. Date developer who use WordPress.
  • 2
    @naktop3031 Thank you!
  • 3
    @marcus5914 I guess that's the issue. It's so easy to write bad code in PHP. Good luck trying to sort that out, I hope someone listens to you!
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    @cogs tomorrow I am gonna drop the table
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    @marcus5914 To demo the injection?
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    @ElToastGrande help help we're stuck
  • 3
    @marcus5914 seriously that stuff is so outdated. I have only used it once in like PHP 4 many years ago. PDO is the way to go. Still allows moron's to compose there own srings (with unsafe variables) unfortunately but it makes it easier to do things right
  • 2
    Suffocate her with her own socks.
  • 1
    @kwilliams she also happen to use very large onesπŸ‘
  • 4
    @hjk101 Or a well built ORM like Doctrine πŸ‘
  • 1
    Try Laravel
  • 0
    @hjk101 I think you are confusing mysqli with mysql.

    But I get your point.
  • 1
    @marcus5914 no I do not the older mysql API had had horrible security. Mysqli is better (used it once) but PDO truly makes it easy to do things right. And an ORM almost makes it foolproof. Unfortunately an ORM is not suited for every situation.
    Even more unfortunate is that the universe keeps inventing better idiots and the all start out by leaning PHP...
  • 3
    @madhurgupta10 do you know there are more sites hacked that aren’t php (not gonna name names) the site being hacked is not because it is written with php but because whoever made it has no idea what they are doing
  • 1
    @marcus5914 get a backup and do your attack as someone said no pain no gain 😈
  • 0
    I'd love to learn how to attack a website to try to break my own sites.It would be a interesting way to learn and make sites more secure. @vkubre @DarkMukke
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