
I'm moving to PHP.

No, seriously. PHP devs were treated like “you're the tech guy, I don't care, make it work” for so long that PHP deps library has everything. If you need to do an unusual task like slowing download speed to 64 kbps, there is a lib for that. Caching is one lib away. Yes, libs themselves are subpar, but they do the job.
Performance? I never had any perf issues in my apps. DB is always the bottleneck, and I know databases.
Frameworks? I don't care about them.
Also, I'll always find PHP devs on the market.

Shut the fuck up with your elitist rust crap. PHP is a nuclear-resistant cockroach that will outlive you, your stupid language and everything you wrote in it. My PHP code will be running fine after every line of code you ever wrote in rust/python/java/scala/whatever fancy language you like is no longer in use.

Yes, I talked shit about PHP in the past. I was neither pragmatic nor mature. Many things changed since. For starters, I'm a CTO now. Hating PHP was easy and socially acceptable. Talk shit about PHP, get internet points — that's how it always worked.

No more. PHP is the king.

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    sorry, but if there is a language that has proven to be a cockroach, it's javascript.

    the only reason it's around at all, even, is the lack of competition. and now it's everywhere. and we're stuck with it.
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    If you want to become a billionaire, use PHP. When in doubt, ask Zuck. He knows.
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    Php 8 and higher put it back on track
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    You may want to watch my channel if you end up using a PHP framework like Laravel. I mainly post tutorials/livestreams with it.
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    @ostream nice try, but finding cobol programmers is hard nowadays
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    @tosensei I use JS for everything now, backend and frontend
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    Sure, PHP can do almost all web jobs just fine.

    I wouldn't have expected you to be able to stand the absurd coding convention inconsistencies in PHP's standard library though...
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    @John-Does don't get this stuff. Php 5.6 was da bomb

    While I do have critics on the language by now compared with python.. What does it matter. I had so much fun with php
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    @kiki so you've chosen to join the dark side...
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