How to impress PM:
1. Prepare a critical bug, that makes the frontend crash
2. Prepare a hotfix, that fixes the bug
3. Deploy bug on Friday afternoon
4. Wait until PM starts panicking
5. Deploy hotfix after 5 min
6. Get praise from PM

  • 2
    This is everything I hate about our industry
  • 3
    As a PM I'd check the version control log who was the douche who committed front-end crashing code and then setup a mini-retro to investigate how on fucking earth did it get to production despite all the automated tests, CI/CD fucking pipelines and whatnot.
  • 0
    @yourdog the bug was "accidentally" introduced 😄
  • 5
    @yourdog huh? a PM with competance around git? show me this mystical being!
  • 2
    @fullstackcircus to be honest, a depressingly often amount of the time, shove me a dev with version control competence
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