I'm still looking for a job after more than two months. Never thought I'd say this but after all these interviews I'm starting to prefer live coding tests over take home assignments. You spend a few hours preparing by reading interview guides (the interviewers usually get their questions from these same guides) and then you either do well or fuck up but it's all over in a few hours and you move on with your life.

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    Yeah I agree. And they don’t have to be leetcode, it can be something more practical like reviewing code, refactoring, implementing a small feature. Bc it sucks to work hard on something then get a cold rejection mail bc they have “thousands of candidates and don’t have time” like wtf if you had time to read the code you have time to at least send some feedback. Unless you don’t read the code, what’s the point then?
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    It took me over 379 days to find a job after 9587 interviews.
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    My usual experience of take home assignments is they say "it'll take a couple of hours". 2 days later I've done about half of it...
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    @atheist bc if they tell the truth less people will take it. If you spend two hours and give them the bare bones you flunk.
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    @TeachMeCode aka "toxic work environment"...
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