
please bare with me :)
What is the difference between having a VPS with OpenVPN and connecting to it and between registering for a VPN provider?

  • 1
    I may be understanding your question incorrectly... But.

    If you you got a vps and setup open vpn then at home connected to said vpn, it can still be traced back to you as you are registered for the vps.

    Kind of making using a vpn pointless?
  • 3
    @neodite that's if I'm after hiding my self, but what I'm trying to achieve is, I redirect all my network traffic so that I bypass blocked websites in my region, I can use recommended VPNs but I already have a vps and costing me 2.5$ a month, thought I'd install openvpn and connect to it.

    I'm not a network pro, I'm open to suggestions :)
  • 2
    Oh in that case, yeah go for it, provided that vps is hosted somewhere that doesn't block those sites :p
  • 0
    @neodite it is in Miami, hope they don't have blocked content lol
  • 2
    @gitpush for unblocking sites that are blocked by your ISP you might just need to change your DNS settings.

    I found out that my ISP blocks sites on the DNS level, so I set my computer to always use as its DNS server and problem fixed. No more blocked sites.
  • 0
    @shellbug I'll try that thanks man :D

    I was also wondering, if I get a VPS does it show my info the same as if I bought a domain? or is it just if authority requested info about that IP of the VPS then they can know who is using it? @neodite
  • 2
    A VPN provider would have geographically diverse exit nodes and it helps if the content you're trying to access is restricted to a certain region. However, I don't know if there's a VPN provide who does not keep logs of what you're accessing through them 😐
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    @nixclusive0 thanks man, my main concern is not hiding 100% I'm not into illegal stuff and I don't share on social media, I'm still planning to go with a VPN provider, but for now I'm going with an OpenVPN instance on VPS in USA just to be able to access anything, but I was wondering if I rent a VPS, does my info show up the same as if I bought a domain?

    For example if I Own a domain I can look up all my info unless I purchase privacy feature, does the same apply on VPS?
  • 2
    Vps is just for you and could be traced back to you through payment etc.

    VPN providers (if good one) seperate the payment data so you can't be tracked back as easily.

    Shortly explained
  • 2
    @linuxxx nice and direct answer. Thanks man :)
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