Some of you might already know that I'm a writer. I decided to take a break with my manuscript for my debut novel (titled Society's Trial) by working on my third manuscript. (I have lots of manuscripts lol.)

Anyway... This third manuscript involves a dev, so I obviously had to include Linux references :D

Also, I blacked out some parts because you probably don't want to read that haha.

(Also... All characters, dialogue, and etc are copyrighted by me. So don't be a jerk and end up copying my scene.)

  • 7
    This is beautiful
  • 5
    This is absolutely amazing
  • 5
    @Michelle scary๐Ÿ˜“
  • 7
    Nothing bad, just a few spoilers. This is the third manuscript after all. It would be a terrible move to post spoilers a few years before querying to a publisher lol.
  • 7
    Hmm.. Dark and interesting, i like it!
    You picked my curiosity.

    I got some remarks too.. But maybe another time :)
  • 5
    Thank you! Just an FYI, this probably won't get published until I'm 18-19 since I have two other manuscripts before this. My current one is currently in the querying process.
  • 4
    @Michelle well.. I guess i will still be here by then, and i hope you will too.
    Good luck in your querying process! Keep us posted please.
  • 5
    Sure, will do! If you want, I can keep you in my list of people to tag when Society's Trial (debut novel) comes out :)
  • 5
    Happy tears, happy tears!!!! Love it, keep it up!
  • 5
    @Michelle please do, thanks! ๐Ÿ‘
  • 4
    Alright. You're on my list!
  • 2
    @Michelle This stuff is f*cking amazing!
    I'm sorry but this will go on for a long time because you are GREAT as a writer: Could you add me to the list? And, as my username's changing all the time, my contact would be arav1025 'at' gmail.com. Thanks so much!
  • 1
    This? This was just a bs rough draft. It is nothing compared to my real writing.
    But thank you! I'll add your username and email to my list!!
  • 2
    @Michelle If the idea behind the 'bs' is gold and you say it's bs, then what's the thing that you consider to be gold? I'm not a writer, but even your bs is really good.
  • 1
    The gold is when I edit and revise. It improves. That's the beauty of writing. You start off with trash and edit into something as beautiful and valuable as gold.
  • 2
    @Michelle Can you add me too? :)
  • 2
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