
Just replaced my iPhone X's battery. Went way easier than I thought!
The hardest part was overcoming my fear of opening things that are held together with glue. Once I overcame it, things went surprisingly easy. I didn't even break Face ID.
Used a plastic pick, simple suction cup and an iOpener thermal thingy from iFixit, essentially a long gel pad that retains heat.

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    You used the proper amount of suction
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    I'm definitely not paitent enough for that. Kinda glad that someone is though.

    I've been cannibalising tech, down to the microchips, literally, for over 23yrs. Around the time ipods came with colour screens, I gave up. It's not that I can't focus enough for precision... I simply start iterating through all the things thatd be a better use of time(often make more money per time used) and how many other ways it could've(should've imo] been engineered simpler.

    I really want to give the tech new life... just spiral into annoyance over time used to result ratios.

    I'm pretty sure I sent an old iPod nano, that I geniunely have no clue what's on it or where it originally came from, as random packing material for a flat-rate box a few months ago.I have an old iphone that I rarely use as a external hard drive. The battery died years ago.
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    @ostream no it isn't. Battery health shows the battery capacity of 100% without any warning.
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    @ostream if you really worked at Apple Care as you say you did, you would've known that iPhone X was the last one to not feature a battery chip.
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    @ostream as you should know if you really worked at Apple Care, iPhone X is no longer supported. They wouldn't touch it anyway, so it doesn't matter. What matters is I can get quality tools and parts at iFixit, and I find repairing my iPhone X to be easy. Parts are readily available because people care about iPhones. No one cares about android phones, so you won't be able to find parts after three mere years.
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    Did you forget to take your meds today?
    I get that being a douche is your modus operandi, but all the little, disjointed, replies is just lowbrow, even for you.
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    @ostream in your opinion, why do people join the apple cult?
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    @ostream how does it work? People will think I'm cool because I have an iPhone, even in rich western countries?
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    @ostream if I'm honest, I always wanted to use Apple tech as a poor kid, but obviously I couldn't afford it. I perceived people who can afford Apple to be cool. But at the point I was able to afford a MacBook, I was already a hardcore Linux user. I went for it anyway and stayed with Apple because of how beautiful their UIs are. As per social proof, maybe it's my geeky community, but among people I know, you're "cool" if you have a ThinkPad and a custom keyboard, and "uncool" if you're an "apple slave". Same goes on devRant.
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    @kiki while I don't fully agree, nor disagree, with your assumption of people "caring" iOS vs android, I think you're missing something.
    Android devices arent made/authorised by 1 company, like Apple. Anyone can create a new device and throw an android OS on it... I've done it, personally. This makes component interoperability a higher value on the android side, cuz the hardware is often not created for the device (like apple), but chosen, after it's creation, to fill a required need.

    The result is niche communities with very specific needs(like tools/hardware thats specifically compatible), vs much larger communities with less specific needs, but more, cheaper and less effort, options to migrate to (like a new device, or simply using an old one, in the interim).

    When a device is initially at EOL, there's increased demand for DIY components, and often unused 'official' stock left. These things decrease with time, making component production cease.
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    @ostream lol... me, offended... if only you knew...

    I am extremely literal, if you're reading between lines, in the vast majority of things I write/say/do, youre essentially writing fan fiction, for yourself.

    Frankly, I'm not even sure what you're assuming is an indication of offense. I'm pretty blind to things like this. Back in middle school a kid got suspended (extremely small school with no actual policies for suspension or even detention) for, apparently to everyone but me, bullying me. To this day I still have no clue what anyone was referring to. Apparently it was so obvious/bad that everyone assumed I was putting up a brave façade whenever I would ask wtf he did. Almost 2 decades later, the only thing I can think of is shit like when he'd shove a basketball in my direction a bit hard, and I'd 'mistakenly' have my foot extended/in his path shortly after.

    If you wanna offend me, I geniunely wish you luck... It'd be helpful to know what it's like.
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    @kiki does it not have some warranty voidance thingy for opening it up?
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    @Tonnoman it's too old. Warranty is expired anyway.
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    Where did you buy the replacement battery btw? I've bought replacement batteries before that were worse than the original one after half a year. I'd like to find a shop where you can get actual decent ones.
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