
That moment you write your full rant, want to submit it, but in that very same moment the app crashes.

Now my rant is gone, but I'm not angry enough anymore.

I still wanna rant😑

  • 6
    Been there, worst feeling in the world, now I copy my post/comment before posting it.
  • 1
    Wanting to rant say that you're angry
  • 1
    How does this not anger you more? You mean you are not always tempered and anger actually passes for you? Wow. Such composure.

    You would make a bad sith
  • 1
    @Aitkotw I do that for every longer text on the internet because I am scared of happening. Actually, I am writing it in a completey different program where I save all the time and then copy it over.
    And I am not doing that for fun but because of exeperience 😅😥
  • 0
    @eArshdeep Just writing down things that anger me is enough. Sharing is extra
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