I was interviewed for a gaming studio, when I showed them my hobby projects for play testing we encountered a bug, convinced them it was feature and put on my best poker face.

Boy was I shocked when I got hired.

  • 6
    Welcome to this awesome place man!
  • 3
    Isn't that what game studios do anyways? Anyways, congratulations :D
  • 2
    Come on, tell us more - you caught my curiosity :P
  • 2
    Bugs happen, it would be insane if they didn't hire you just because there is one bug in your HOBBY project!

    Most production AAA games are riddled with bugs these days.
  • 2
    @linuxxx ah nice to meet you !!! :D
  • 2
    @Frio The game was a 2 player 2D PvP brawler platformed one of my first games, I had handled the collisions in a really bad way.

    To spice things up in gameplay there were clouds that spawned lightning bolts randomly, the bolts used to fall at a medium speed.

    The issue was that lightning bolts were only supposed to do 2 points of damage upon collision but collision was detected more than once before the bolt was destroyed, so basically if the player did not move out of the hit box fast enough the player might get insta killed.

    Surprisingly the bug worked kinda well and added a bit more feel to the lightning blot damage.
  • 0
    So you got a job at EA?
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