
I officially got a call that i start a job from 15th december

That's my first job after graduating with a computer science degree, and it took exactly 421 days later.

This is depressing and sad. Im not even interested in starting a job. I hoped they will reject me just like the other 10,468 jobs. Im not used to getting accepted.

I have to finish my side project within these two weeks asap rn

  • 7
    I hope it turns out to be a good job.

    Once you land at a good job your never going to look back to the time before :)
  • 6
    @b2plane I understand you completely, but I sincerely hope for you this job pulls you away from your current state and that your life may improve for you.

    Wish you wholeheartedly the best and I look forward to your posts a year from now in happiness .

    How is your dad and his health doing now btw?
  • 2
    @Voxera seems like I'll be working on a software of a 4 trillion dollar bank... Am i fucked already?
  • 5
    @b2plane it doesn't matter. You'll be given a tiny cog of the corporation to work on, learn and build your IT muscles with. TBH it's a very good oppurtunity, to start in a corp I mean. You'll see solutions, technologies and soft/hardware you only can come across in enterprises like that. Explore the hell out of it! Other companies don't have the budget to afford such a dinosaur zoo. Befriend other teams, ask them for a peak into their tools and tech. The more - the better. After 3-5 years there, if you do it right, you'll be able to support systems for a substantial salary.

    Another benefit of corp ir communication. Corps have a speciffic way of getting things done: each change is slow, needs lots of comms with the right people, but you can multitask and push many changes simultaneously.

    Embrace the corp culture. Learn it. Get good at it. It will help you A LOT in your career.
    Be nosy and chatty. Never hide if you fuck up - on the contrary, speak up. People get promoted after fuckups
  • 2
    Looks like you reached your all time low so life gave you a way to climb up.

    Now it’s time to put your pants on, grab a rope and start to slowly pull up until something fucks up again and you fall down.

    Be prepared to reach another all time low if life feels you can handle it.
    And another all time high right after it.

    Anyways good luck 🍀
  • 0
    @b2plane I have friends working in banking, its a lot if focus on security on many levels.

    But other than that it’s just development.

    It very much depends on the boss and the team.
  • 0
    @b2plane Yes. There are very interesting problems in finance to solve though. 🤷🏼‍♂️
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