Why some websites prevent pasting in the password field of the login page? Wtf?

  • 18
    because some middle manager somewhere decided "IT IS UNSAFE, SHUT IT DOWN!!!!!!" - and ignored a thousand developers facepalms.

    same old story.
  • 5
    They are slightly better than sites which disable right click and sometimes dev tools on Chrome
  • 8
    Same management type decision where they say, “Disable right click. We don’t want people downloading.” Meanwhile websites are downloaded to browsers.
  • 2
    @tosensei yet at least one engineer moved the ticket from “todo” to “doing”
  • 10
    S e C U r I T y
  • 4
    @Tounai because that engineer still needed their paycheck.

    don't blame the bad decision on those who aren't in a position to decide.
  • 4
    @asgs shift + right-click is your friend (at least on firefox)

    It's also recommend by the spec:
    "User agents may provide means for bypassing the context menu processing model, ensuring that the user can always access the UA's default context menus. For example, the user agent could handle right-clicks that have the Shift key depressed in such a way that it does not fire the contextmenu event and instead always shows the default context menu."

  • 0
    @j0n4s sure but F12 is more convenient
  • 0
    @asgs my comment is about that if you do shift+rightclick it will show you the contextmenu, even if the contextmenu event (right click) is overwritten/"disabled".
  • 0
    @j0n4s that's right but I prefer one key shortcuts more than any
  • 2
    @ostream that would be a semi-valid argument if there weren't so many things out there more terrible than a paste-protected password-field.

    for example the entirety of javascript.
  • 1
    @ostream hey. don't insult jews.
  • 0
    @asgs you still don't get it.

    You complained that websites block right click.

    In Firefox, you can circumvent this by doing shift+right-click, no website can block this one (AFAIK). I'm not talking about DevTools in any way, only about right-click.
  • 0
    @ostream alright Adolf
  • 1
    @j0n4s I think you don't get what I am saying

    I mainly Right click to choose the inspect element option
  • 0
    @asgs okay got it, and I've never used right click for devtools, only for the contextmenu.
  • 0
    @tosensei you always have a choice. The power is in your hands. Like those old smokey the bear advertisements..

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