


And it is only Monday!!!!

Involved in a pretty large it project. Several years endevour. Global. Tens and tens of millions of dollar budget.

It is obvious for all that this waterfall approach will cause enormous pain. Pain and suffering.

Multiple consultant firms involved. Loads of management, leads and the likes. Several with no it background.


Yes. No real concept of a database or what not. I mean. It is an actual IT project.

Several leads. One of the managers have no idea what he is doing. None. One would guess he should have his shit together regarding NON-it stuff. But no. And they work with this full-time and can’t even setup a descent way of working in a sub-sub-sub-project.


One would imagine in a waterfall setup that things is…formal. But no. It’s just people doing their thing. Lots of words. Lots of words.

I think there are nice problems to solve at the end. When it is delivered and done. So I will plan to stay and learn as much as possible. But I have to do the clowns work. Which sucks so much I can’t believe. But there are so many people involved so I guess I can get away with it in one piece without too much effort.

I am not even going to write a single line of code. 😬

All is fine.

Fucking Monday.

  • 3
    Man, this was painful to read. IDIOTS I tell you. Everyone else are IDIOTS !!!
  • 4
    I was summoned?

  • 1
    You might like The Unicorn Project (if dev) / The Phoenix Project (if DevOps)

    Describes your problem perfectly and gives advice on getting out

    We'll worth a listen/read
  • 2
    I feel that all are morons without any real knowledge…

    They just…

    roam the halls

    or something…

    it is all very dysfunctional…

    I mean… pm:s not doing pm stuff? Then…what good are they?
  • 1
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