A shower thought:
vaginas have a design superior to penises, because they follow SRP more closely

  • 3
    In that case I'm going to have to start calling the old chap "the god object".
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    And what is SRP?
  • 1
    tf is SRP
  • 4
    @SidTheITGuy single responsibility principle.

    Though imho stretching out to make place for a watermelon and sex are two different things.

    ... Hopefully.
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    It's not like we're playing baseball with our schwangs. Equally, it's not like you're peeing through your armpits and giving birth throuh your belly button
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    I’ll play devils advocate and argue multiple responsibilities / feature rich. For a trivial example, a potential storage device!
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    @netikras speak for yourself
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    Personally, for me, they always seem to follow DRY too.
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    Bruh. Sure, the vagina is at least located inside the body instead of just dangling outside like an afterthought.

    But that doesn't matter as the menstruation cycle is one of the most cursed designs in nature. Its so absurdly inconvenient that if i would want to be a female and could actually just respawn, i would still just spawn as a male and convert by hormone therapy before puberty because that way i wouldn't get the 4-week hormonal rollercoaster cycle and all the symptoms associated with that. And the bleeding is annoying too.
  • 2
    Giving birth is one more responsibility than penises. 🤔

    Your shower thoughts are flawed :)
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    i’ve been telling hubby for years that dicks just have the WORST design…

    and the boys? why are they just hangin out like that if one accidental tap is enough to decimate your whole day??

    just awful. i don’t envy any of you.
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