I'm always so fucking dead for the first 3 hours of work.

I need to sleep earlier

  • 12
    Me too but for the first 8 hours
  • 2
    me too, but for the whole month
  • 2
    me too, but for the whole year
  • 3
    Same here.

    Some news media recommend waiting 90-120 minutes before drinking coffee (because science and stuff, idk).

    D vitamin supplements helped me a bit from almost sleeping (literally) in front of the screen.

    But I'm still tired. Just not as much as before.
  • 4
    @aviophille Butt crack
  • 3
    When asked in my interview here what I'm not very good at, my answer was mornings. Not in a grouchy, don't talk to me, kinda way, just that it takes a while for the coffee to kick in and the gears to start turning.

    They liked the answer.
  • 1
    @angerydev I do both of these too, although the coffee is usually because getting to my desk is the first chance I've had to sip some.

    I've heard whey protein supplements can help too, but I've not tried them yet.
  • 1
    Coffee life! ౿(།﹏།)૭
  • 0
    There's no way for me to sleep early. I've tried everything. :)
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