
We got upgraded from PHP4 to 7 last night and everything went fine without a hitch....yet why do a have a chill up my spine writing this?

  • 6
    From php4 to 7 and nothing broke? I dont believe that!
  • 5
    @Linux I know right? I'll go into the office tomorrow and find everything on fire...
  • 7
    death is awaiting you. I would quit now while you still can.
  • 3
    I would be suspicious as well.
  • 5
    Upgrade from 4 to 7. And nothing broke. you're either lieing or got really fucking lucky and didn't use any deprecated functions
  • 4
    You left a window opened. 🤔
  • 4
    Your biggest mistake was making this post. You've jinxed it now.
  • 3
    I did the same from PHP 5 to 7 and all that broke was one single line that had a deprecated function in it, but that was it...
  • 0
    Just went from 5 to 7 last night and was also suspicious that everything was working...
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