That moment you realize the code you inherited at the new job may be a fucking mess....

  • 20
    Maybe fname is for foreign name and lname is for lonely name
  • 8
    Full Name. Legit Name. 🤔
  • 2
    Declared but not used, oh fun.
  • 2
    I use the fname/lname and firstname/lastname too 😅
  • 0
    Yeahhh... I'm just in that process too at the minute. It's not terrible, but it's definitely not good.

    Usually method length is a fucking red flag... "Oh your method is 1100 lines of spaghetti? That's fine, pay me"
  • 1
    @filthyranter that's a good thing, fname and lname aren't great variable names... They can just be scrapped 😄
  • 0
    Least they're not referenced, it really is a shitpile if they use both xD
  • 3
    I made a variable that is an acronym for "mother fucker" while I was in a rant state and it actually worked ... Been in prod for 2 years now...

    Every time I see someone editing that piece of code I laught and cry inside because you can see the level of code we have around here...
  • 0
    I like to name my variables $fn and $ln. Saves space. My code is way less lines.
  • 0
    @jamescodesthing exactly, method length and clone coverage (amount of copy-D code) say a lot about the quality of a system IMHO
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