This is gonna get someone illogically upset, but idc about that.

I know it's ignorance of semantics but I'm tired of propagated ignorance changing the meaning of things.

Non-binary is NOT a legitimate term for whatever 'gender' you are!

I get what *whoever-started-it* was going for, but it's NOT valid. If you want to say that youre not male or female, fine... just don't abuse binary systems to do it. Just say youre non-bool/anti-boolean or identify with one of the, apparently 50, shades of gray.

I keep getting into logical loops to nowhere about this nonsense. No one is even defining what's supposed to be the 1 vs the 0. Which then makes me think '1 must be male... genitalia=1 in many ways...' which then sources back to the historic validity of males vs undervalued/less than human interpretations of females...

Then <brake>.
Ofc these people aren't going into the historical significance... they don't even realise how binary works! Ofc they'd have no clue that all 0s= no data... and 0s only have significance when viewed in placement to the 1s.

Let's all start using proper terminologies, like non-boolean. Maybe i can start a trend by paying people pennies to learn/teach wtf a boolean value is, and that binary can represent anything. With proper encoding the array is limitless... so being binary is actually a giant spectrum... therefore makes no sense to be "non-binary".

Ok... im done. It had to be said.

Who wants to start identifying as non, or educating wtf is, boolean with me???

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    I already knew you were *one of those* kinda people, but this makes so much more sense now.
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    @SidTheITGuy i legitimately don't know what you mean. Im blunt and literal. Anything im trying to identify here would just be between a guess and hypothesis... like do you think im hung up on m/f ?
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    @awesomeest you should be hung up on a rope around your neck tied to a ceiling fan, but you do you.
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    The point is to sow confusion and divide the population to make them more easily manipulated. It seems to work for that purpose.
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    That doesn't make sense to me, but then I'm just a hairy-arsed engineer.
  • 3
    @SidTheITGuy nah... you're missing the important part of that equation... another person, also naked, not a fan. You got pretty close though... id explain further but i dont want to corrupt your virgin innocence.
  • 1
    @donkulator what doesn't make sense?

    I'm an engineer too... but my arse isnt hairy *sigh*
  • 4
    @awesomeest the whole non-binary / non-boolean / nonferrous / noneuclidean thing, the kinky ceiling fan thing, none of it makes sense.
  • 0
    I’m gender non boolean because I have one.
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    I want to be a panda ☚ī¸
  • 4
    @donkulator the gender shit makes no sense to me. The same people that are claiming to loathe the straightforward, genetic, definition of gender... are also giving that definition meaning.

    It's like when ppl of a race say they hate/want to end racism because it shouldn't be a factor/everyone's the same... yet they keep pointing out historical examples viewing differences or being all for policies like affirmative action... which by definition is putting emphasis on race.

    Im a female that never cared for girly things and was probably thought of as a tomboy... yet until a few years ago i never once considered what gender i "feel" or 'think' i am. I have female organs (technically much less nowadays due to near complete histo)... and chromosomes. That makes me female. Any impact on my identity starts and ends there.

    Im pretty sure that Sid didn't actually mean anything kinky from his comment...my response was genuine. I dont understand things like sexual role-play though.
  • 0
    At the lowest level IT optics, non-binary would be quantum: a lot of attention with zero practical impact on our daily lives, but may eventually matter in the future with enough investment. The difference being in IT there is a cash incentive.

    A bit higher level it could be like a "troolean": a boolean with a potential NUL or undefined state. Tends to be the least interesting or "prefetal" state.
  • 1
    We need a new Mr Potato Head called Non Binary Potato Head….or simply Potato Head
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    Lol... i just realised that Sid's unjust emoRage is negative points... and definitely wasnt cuz of me
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    @awesomeest I just ignore him when he gets like that. He is definitely an interesting fellow.
  • 1
    @Demolishun oh im well aware. I talked to him on voice chat on discord. Apparently something i said triggered an illogical loop of poor self-esteem. I had said "if you turn out to be a decent dev..." or something along the same lines, a few times. He turned that into 'you think I'm a shitty dev'. When we didnt even talk about literally anything specfic, even coding languages, and i certainly hadnt seen anything he's ever written... so saying he was shit or amazing shouldve had the illogical impact of utter nonsense.

    He suddenly had *something* he had to do, i broke out laughing. He exited the call and blocked me like a 12 yr old, then started raging.

    He's solid comic relief for sure.
  • 0
    @awesomeest reminds me this song:


    I used to be a lot more volatile when I was younger. So I identify a bit with the triggering.
  • 1
    @awesomeest Sid is good, he has his GitHub repos linked. From what I saw he knows his stuff. That’s just my guess
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    @Demolishun sry... not a katy perry fan. Lmk when youre reminded of some German medieval rock or children of bodom.

    I dont comprehend most emotions; ive never personally experienced most of them. I just know something's emotions when it's totally logically invalid.
  • 0
    @TeachMeCode i never even got to the point of looking at anything of his... he made sure of that lol

    Unless something is remarkable, i don't put much stock in someone's git... plenty of people just grab and slightly modify code then post as if they made it from scratch. Also, i know my level of skill... and the massive lack of saved code... certainly lacking any sharable github repo, despite over 20yrs of pro exp.
  • 0
    @TeachMeCode i just clicked his profile here... LOL! Ty for the solid laugh! He lists laravel and docker as if either is innately a skill, much less a language.

    He doesn't even specify anything related to docker... wtf is that supposed to mean? Is he just a master of all operating systems, archs and manual image configs??? If so, why only in docker? Not OCI?... technically docker can do VMs too... he must be a master sys admin! I should totally get his brilliance for our metal rhel servers... im sure hed know enterprise linux, networking and data architectures...

    Ok... i think i stopped laughing enough to attempt to view it again...
  • 0
    Ok... so 1st/only thing i looked at... he fails.


    Aside from my distaste of bloat/frameworks... he posted a php script (from a laravel template) as html and didn't even close the php tag.

    Im saying this to you, not tagging him or giving a shit about him. If someone cant copy/paste a 21 line template to include the closing ?> ... even publishing it, and apparently using it ad nauseam for a yt vid... you should NOT be using them as a ref for decent code.
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    @awesomeest Omg, I failed by your standards?? What would I do with my life now?? Stupid fucking bitch.

    Go kill yourselves you fatherless whore of a genetically confused human piece of shit.
  • 1
    @SidTheITGuy there's nothing genetically confusing about me... unless you wanna get into the potentials of mutated traits in autistic dna, which would only be speculative.
    I also have a father... though I intentionally dont associate with him.

    Side note: if youre gonna try insults of promiscuity, whores have sex for money. I'm much closer to slut than whore. I dont begrudge you that one though; between lack of knowledge and intense sexual frustration, i totally get it must be hard, being a virgin at your age.(pun intended, no matter how little)

    It seems that youre unilateral fights are as errant as your attempts at code... sry, there's no framework for you to copy/paste incorrectly. I do however suggest this: https://paulgraham.com/disagree.htm...
  • 0
    @SidTheITGuy oh, it seems my brain autocorrected your attempt at insults.

    Apparently you think that im a collective of beings... or you made a really weird typo.

    Since you're batting beneath ad hominem level, I'll try to get closer to your level.

    You're a bipedal pedestrian.

    (That's courtesy of 6yr old me. Sry, cant sink below that without just calling you a poopy face... and someone might find that racist.)
  • 1
    @awesomeest bipedal pedestrian? Yeah damn those assholes who walk on two feet. You must be a centaur
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    @TeachMeCode well it was against the rules to swear, name-call or insult others. A group of 5 boys was making other girls cry (no clue why) so i just pissed them off while following the rules... back in 1st grade. Tbh im still unsure of any better way to handle me doing shit like that... and ive had 25yrs to consider it.
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    @jestdotty I miss nanos. His posts were cumbersome to read sometimes, but he was a cool dude.
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    @jestdotty sounds about right... certainly not the first person to make up/project into existence something 'in between the lines' of my explicity, highly specific and very blunt, factual, nature... despite me directly saying that's not what i said nor intended.

    The thing that lets me know it's emotional is the directly ignored logic. If i/anyone wanted to insinuate or insult via subtext/implications, why... especially in a 1 on 1 convo, wouldnt they admit/declare that they were intending that context??? How is it that i supposedly am accusing someone of being a shit dev via implications, but also directly countering, explicitly, that implication?

    Should i join this matrix thing? And would me joining make sid more or less likely to come back?
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    @jestdotty fyi, my deviantart page hasnt been touched since high school and i never posted anything i did professionally. Frankly, i didnt even have a valid reason for making/using that account back then. It was one of the many 'do this cuz it's apparently what normal humans do' things i attempted. None of them panned out to me masquerading as 'normal'.

    My 'art' is very much like my code-- poorly documented and rarely backed up.

    I'm not saying im better/worse now/then... no clue tbh. Feel free to tell me something to draw. a suggestion tends to tip the scales of executive function deficiency.

    Ive made/sold tattoo designs to shops and some commissions til recent years, i like melting shit (glass, sometimes metal) and it sells for ridiculous prices at charity auctions... which lets me play with molten stuff as valid, fiscally responsible, work. Plus, charities i approve of get lots of money and i dont need to sell shit.

    The IRS hates me... seriously.

    Pic is my last, personal, tat.
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    The only art I can do is frontend lol. Even still, my JSX is ugly but then again JSX is ugly by default
  • 1
    Wow this thread is entertaining.

    But yo I’m not an enby or anything but you should totally show us your cheeks again. Also the whole gender thing, cmon bro it’s not that deep, just let em do their thing 🅱ī¸
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    @shovethisrant I propose we add a penis attachment to potato head and leave out the Mr. Everyone is happy 🍕
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    @TeachMeCode my safe word is McDonald’s hash browns
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    @shovethisrant wait but isnt McDonalds run by a clown? I thought clowns were banned
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    It will eventually be illegal to have a penis. Then after a few years a vagina. All reproductive organs will be extracted at birth and babies will be 3d printed according to my drunk numbskull
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    Anyone can call themselves what they call themselves but if they start getting angry when I say I’m a male with a penis and testicles I’ll laugh lol. I’m neutral, I don’t disrespect trans people or gay people at all. Just don’t want backlash for having XY chromosomes and being white (ok not “white” as in northern euro descent, I have a bit of Irish but mostly south euro but who cares really, every race and ethnic background should be respected and white isn’t even a scientific classification nor is it something to be proud of )
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    @shovethisrant was your comment about showing cheeks aimed at me? If so, im female fyi.
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    @shovethisrant also, safe words are for wimps
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