
Today on YouTube channels Kiki watches: Fredrik Knudsen.

In my opinion, it has THE most interesting coverage of obscure topics. I loved his two-hours-long video about Deep Blue. Recently, he made a video about EVE Online that is FIVE HOURS long. I know it’s probably very interesting, but can’t build up the courage to start watching.

Oh, and he also covered Mr. Terry A. Davis.


  • 0
    Who is kiki, and does it have anything todo with lgbtq?
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    @Isirant why would you assume it was anything to do with lgbtq?
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    Cause i google things when i see them the first time?

    Also isn't this a dev community? Kinda off topic?
  • 1
    Ohhh.. kiki is the username.... Sorry thought it was a third person.
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    Lensflare asks himself why kiki speaks of herself in third person.
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    Sid thinks it's lame when people talk about themselves in third person. Except @retoor she pulls it off.
  • 0
    @SidTheITGuy I heard somewhere that only psychopaths do that. Or was it sociopaths? It was something with path.
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