
Rant 1
Today i had the first meeting with others in my new job. Why do ALL indians sound exactly the same omg. Its like a clone nation. Copy and paste. All have the same voice same accent same way of talking thinking explaining etc. Why are indians like this

Rant 2
I wish i could just get fucking fired. Only 1 month in and im getting sick of this bullshit already. Havent even started the bullshit. I want to work remotely from HOME and i cant. $8.125 an hour wageslave in office. I FUCKING WASTE $200 MINIMUM A MONTH JUST ON GAS TO GET HERE TO OFFICE INSTEAD OF SAVING IT BY WORKING REMOTeLY. That means i get $200 (if I'm lucky) or less leftover every month. Just enough to buy a sandwich to survive and continue being a good slave.



  • 8
    They don't all sound the same. You think they do because your brain hasn't heard those sounds before and you can't process the differences.

    They say things in similar ways because they're speaking Indian English. That's how you say those things in Indian English.
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    I feel so spoiled, I gonna do a job that makes € 2000,- less soon voluntary. You make me feel good about life. Thank you plane boii
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    @lungdart b2plane’s got as much shit coming out of his mouth than the amount coming out of his butthole
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    @b2plane I’m sure the Indians think the same of you. Every sentence that comes out of your mouth must sound like shit to them
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    Wow, someone downvoted this rant. Why? I didn't
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    Indian here. Get rekt fam.
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    @black-kite full of shit is an understatement so might as well say im a buffer overflow of shit. Its how the corporate world taught me to be
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    @black-kite ur literally called black so u know nothing
  • -1
    @retoor probably a dirty indian tranny @SidTheITGuy
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    lol u actually downvoted my comment?? lol get rekt and keep crying over Indians lmao.

    We'd take over the tech industry and take all the money it has to offer.

    Wageslaving bitch.
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    @b2plane my username is that of a bird. You may be able to see them in Serbia during the summer
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    @retoor I'd love to see u work for $8.125 or even less, every single day here 8 hours a day
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    @SidTheITGuy ur also wageslaving for some big daddy boss's bitch who profits 500k a month off of ur 1k a month salary
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    @b2plane you didn't see my Resume video?? I literally laid out everything I have going on in my life.

    here watch it - https://youtu.be/rG7oGHItSZs
  • 1
    @SidTheITGuy ur making youtube videos. People making yt videos arent engineers. They're marketers. The primary job of a marketer is to lie and talk bullshit fake stories that didnt happen. Ur lying as shit with no proof to backup ur claims. Or as a fraud u'll make up fake claims to show as proof. Ytubers are dishonest lying overexaggerated pieces of shits. I can also start ytubing and saying look at me im earning 369k from this job i never worked at or from this saas that i dont own or never built. No one can verify my shit claims. Fk outta here wit ur shit claims causs they're all Fake
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    @b2plane if people like me would work there, you wouldn't have a job at all pussy :) BTW, I did years > 8hr a day. Loved my jobs :) I laughed many times I got paid at all
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    @SidTheITGuy also u wouldnt be in india still if u made decent money. Its a mud country designated shitting streets lol so ud utilize the money to run away to rich country like switzerland and be rich there. But u only have fake stories to tell and not money
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    @retoor come and let me see u work for 8.125$ a hour or less. But do it for years
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    @SidTheITGuy watching it in full HD 😁 It's nice. Much respect
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    @b2plane waa waa womp womp. Keep crying and stay poor. It suits you better with $8.125 an hour being your salary
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    @retoor that room reminds me on 1 scene from a horror movie with john cusack... Whats it called....

    Room 1408
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    @SidTheITGuy at least i don't live in a designated shitting streets country and get banged by dirty indian trannys in asshole. Better to live in a garbage country among trash than a country built on mud and shits!
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    @b2plane you should see my other one
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    @retoor if its a sex room like in 365 days movie then count me in
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    @b2plane omg, this was obviously the sex room. My other room already got trash talked in the drcc channel. Also for being scary
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    @retoor whats drcc. Btw drcc almost sounds like "wank(ing your cock)" in my language
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    @b2plane it's the devrant matrix room. A devrant chat
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    @retoor show me
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    @retoor I talk about you there 😁
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    @retoor its not letting me click on the link
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    @b2plane use your phone
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    @b2plane throw away the iPhone
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    @retoor no iphone is my baddest bitch
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    @b2plane a machine made for communication but refuses you to open an url to a chat group huh?
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    There is an ounce of truth to that - by default, Indians understand "quality" to mean: it does exactly what the customers says and not an ounce more, even if it doesn't make any sense.

    If you want something else, such as a dev who will push back on bad ideas, it's on you to convey your expectations. It's also on you to inform yourself how to do that.

    Pro tip: in India, you emphasise that you are serious about something not by yelling, but by calmly repeating it several times. Otherwise, it might just be social noise in Indian culture. It's not they they don't get it the first time around, even if that's how it looks to uninformed Westeners.
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    @b2plane "ur literally called black so u know nothing"
    What’s that even supposed to mean? Are you another one of them racists on devRant.
    Fuck! This place is crawling with them
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