I just finished a bunch of newly configured containers that I had to switch off centos7 to almalinux9. I have one thing to say,

Fuck NetworkManager!

I know im basically a dinosaur when it comes to any coding, especially scripting. I prefer notepad.exe or sublime to VScode... you couldnt pay me enough to use crap like vbstudio... but I know I need to get better at not just rewriting thing to suit my preferences since i have others working for or with me now.

so... I tried... I reeeeally tried to tolerate NetworkManager... tried to learn/tolerate dumb nmcli and it's matrixed array of dyslexic syntaxes. I just couldnt do it... that plus the damn default images having bs like an effectively blank, non-error-generating resolv.conf file.

NetworkManager got killed... I went back and edited my network-scripts and scripted those to other scripts for changing the statics around if/when needed... took waaaay less time.

I just dont get why something like NetworkManager even exists on any EL distro... yeah sure, wifi takes a couple extra steps and is super common now... but shouldnt be how any actual servers need to communicate. can people just not fathom putting shit in a few files in proper syntax anymore???

  • 0
    Honestly this is the reason why I switched over to systemD-networkD
    And systemD-resolveD.

    Hate messages incoming!
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    @NeatNerdPrime opting for a full big D stack? 😁
  • 2
    @lotd actually, in the context of systemD yeah I dig that big D!

    I manage a lot of hosts, and honestly systemD makes things uniform, reliable and expectable.
    Especially desktop things, hard to set up, but once donne, it's equal everywhere.
  • 0
    @NeatNerdPrime ya I totally understand that.
    It can quickly become painful to admin many different setups
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    Id rather die than admin several GUIs... even gui on rhel9 is mostly pointless... i mean its great to not need another android box on a tv running browser 20 live charts from tradingview while also being a clear sign of no network issues... but that's about it
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