Late adapter to chatGPT but damn does that thing save me hours of googling shit or writing out boilerplate. I NEVER use it to solve specific non general problems but for writing tedious enums or getting me out of analysis paralysis gpt is my fucking man. And yeah I’m a century late, might as well praise high speed internet while at it lol

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    When it comes to simple code monkey stuff or syntax it damn delivers and it’s allowed me to get so much done in half the time or less lol
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    I only use it to explain me concepts but I'm a big fan too.

    @SidTheITGuy Chatgpt for life!
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    Yea a lot of people are either firmly for against, I view it as just another tool. I think it can be a really bad thing for rookies but once you know what you're doing, if you have a really weird problem, it can be so much faster than shifting through issues that are similair but not similair enough to helpful on StackOverflow or whatever

    Only thing is some times it straight guess about modules that don't exist
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    @TheBeardedOne thats exactly my point! I use it as a tool for things like writing out mundane code I don’t feel like writing or breaking up conflicts in my brain by suggesting the best course of action. Or finding that damn syntax error that I don’t want to spend too much time on bc I want to focus on more interesting things lol. It’s faster than waiting for stack overflow
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    @retoor you can use ChatGPT all you want.

    I'm saying it's cringe that's all
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    @aviophille do you know of any good ones? I’m open bc gpts knowledge only goes up to Jan 2022
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    @aviophille thanks, I’ll take a look!
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