
The bright side of having a very rare family name is that you barely get contacted by recruiters on linkedin.

The negative side is that you need to go out of your way to find recruiters....

There are 4 people in my country with my family name, potentially 0 abroad...

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    Let me guess... Jones?
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    As far as I'm aware, I'm the only one with my family name. Get asked all the time whether I am a local or not.

    So I have not been bothered by recruiters, but also... Get talked to as if I'm a foreigner in my birthplace. Which is super alienating.

    But overall I like it.
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    @jestdotty Maybe also related but all 4 people with my family name have barely any online presence and you might just get articles/pictures about boobs/tits in one of our national languages.
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    @Slow-Yep Nope, my whole family for the past 140 years is from this region in Belgium and my family name.

    My family name means "Tits" in one of our national languages which is pretty amazing :D
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